Monday, July 27, 2009


I learned that when erosion happened the tree's roots got weak and fell and floated up-stream. The walk ways could have been bigger so people and bikers can feel safer walking and riding on the walk way. I would like to learn more about what else happens when humans aren't present. With increasing concerns about bicyclists riding on trails where their use was prohibited, a new signage plan was developed and
implemented in 1996-97.Many signs also have colored markings to identify the trail.For instance, the sign pictured here indicates that all users- hikers bikers ETC.This system still makes up a significant component of the Park signage.As trail traffic has increased and bicycles were added to the user mix,additional signage was necessary. As may be evident from this narrative, what began as a simple signing system rapidly confusing to many users. Despite repeated efforts to address user conflict with signage and other measures,complaints and confusion persists.

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