Monday, July 27, 2009

The first blog: Carter Cierra

During our trip to the park I learned about erosion and how it affected the park. Aside from leaving extra space to see "attractions", erosion destroys nature, (trees, bushes, etc.) which is never good. We also got to see some famous attractions and learn about the people who settled there first; Signs seemed to play a significant role to the park. Some signs told us about how far things were away and where to watch out for bikers, horse riders, joggers, etc. Basically these signs just provided a "heads up."
I think that instead of having to use only our observations and inferences, we should have actually stopped to learn about different places. We stopped to take a look at certain places, but I would have liked to have the landmarks explained.
Although I learned quite a few things about the history and science of the park I still want to find out more. Because I am very interested in American History, I would like to learn more about the people who first influenced the park and some of the man-made things that exist throughout the park.
Throughout my journey in the park I did not take notice to any public safety precautions. Most precautions include having at least 1 or 2 phone booths nearby in case of an emergency (police/ambulance contact) and Fresh water to drink ( In case of emergency dehydration or if someone accidentally forgot their own water bottle.)In fact "Philadelphia’s drinking water comes (highly filtered and treated) from the Wissahickon."( Although the creek is cleaner than most, it is still not recommended to drink. Because there are not many railings or bars to caution people from swimming in the river someone could easily go swimming or accidentally fall in. Also, because the water is not filtered and contains all sorts of detrimental bacteria and pollutants, it is not safe for medical reasons to get in. "Between the pollution and the unpredictable currents, it can be downright hazardous. We have heard reports of dogs getting skin cancer from swimming in the creek, of tumors in fishes and of divers being injured on the rocks at the bottom of Devil’s Pool, so we would strongly advise against it." (

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