Thursday, July 30, 2009


A mystic is a person who knows or studies religious mysterys.Many mystics believe they have the answers to mysterys no one know.People who do these thing are in a religion called mysticism.They look at things different from average people.They study religious mysteries.

Henry Ave Bridge

The Henry Ave Brige was completed and opened up to traffic in 1932.It is 915 ft long, 84 ft wide, and 185 ft above water level of Wissahickon Creek.The Bridge was created by Ralph Modjeski in the 1920's.The bridge was formally known as the Wissahickon Memorial Bridge.The bridge has four lanes which carries two lanes of traffic in each direction.

Source of information:

Lover's Leap

Lover's Leap
The Lover's Leap is very famous to many people. The story behind it is that this young couple had just got married and the husband jumped off the mountain they were standing on, well what a good remembrance of what love means, ha. Many people like to climb the Lover's Leap, it gives people who are just visiting a site to see, and it gives hikers a little challenge. Ahead of the Lover's Leap is the Hermit Cave, it's really dark in there.

Thierry Jones 6/30/09

John Kelpius:

John Kelpius was born in Siebenburgen, Transylvania, Germany in 1673. His family was very wealthy which allowed him to be educated and go to the university of Altdorf, he then got selected by his preceptor (instructor) Dr. John Fabricius to work as in assistant in authorship in working in Latin. He then got interested in learning more languages, which lead him to be interested in theological studies and made him become a follower of Philip Jacob Spener (the founder of the sect called Pietists; 17th century religious movement originating in Germany in reaction to formalism and intellectualism and stressing Bible study and personal religious experience). When John Kelpius turned 21 he then started with about forty followers of like faith followed him to this country (United States of America). After passing through Germantown(Philadelphia), he settled his followers in the Wissahickon. In the Wissahikon a small vally he built of hut (or cave). He built a spring with fresh running water, that is known as "the hermit's spring". John Kelpius died in Roxborough, Philadelphia in 1708.

Michael Dorsey

John mystic philosopher was born in Siebenburgen Transylvania Germany in 1673. He was from a wealthy family and was very educated. He attended University of Altdorf and began to be an assistant for a Doctor by the name Dr. John Fabricius and he thought that John Kelpius was a very intelligent man by how young he was. And they began authorship of a work in Latin an John loved it. Soon he began to move to london and to do work and soon he met a woman by the name of Jane Leade. She was the head of the Philadelphians one of the another mystic sect. Then he fell inlove with her. And they had a good life. And he began to do work and study things and levatate.

George Lippard

Even in his early years of life, George Lippard, had a very strong conscience. He easily recognized the difference between right and wrong and therefore vowed to himself to never become a hypocrite. During his teen years Lippard developed a powerful mind state of spirituality which led him to become actively involed in church and ministry. Aside from his involvement in church (because of his father's death)he found an interest in law enforcement. Incredibly, Lippard held lawyers in high esteem although he had a philosophy of living a non-hypcritical/conscientious lifestyle. Lawyers vow to live respectully and serve justice by the law, however, much of their responsibility requires them to lie. As life went on, Lippard became the Attorney-general of Pennsylvania at only 20 years old. He posessed so much knowledge that he felt a desire to share it along with his beliefs to the world. He decided to become a journalist of religious and romantic novels. George Lippard was a very accomplished gentleman.


Walnut lane's bridge is located in center city which crosses over the Schuykill river. It was built in 1893 it's around the time that Philadelphia started to use concrete to build. The Walnut Lane bridge brought internationalism to Philadelphia and created ideas about how it would look in future settings. The bridge is only about a block long and you might miss looking at it driving by. This year the Walnut Lane bridge turns 100 years old, one of Germantowns most historical sites is having an exhibit on the historical bridge.

"Cave of Kelpius" is one of the more harder sites to find in Wissahickon park because of it large size and narrow paths there. Hermits cave may be located on a hillside above the Wissahickon Creek near Hermit Lane or close to a spring house. One of Philadelphia's first mystical guru came to meditate and await the Second Coming of a new millineum. The meditators became known as the Hermits of the Wissahickon.The monks were skilled in medicine and instrumental music and kelpius was a respected scholar. then they built a 40 foot sqaure tabernacle to meditate in.


George Lippard was born April 10, 1822. He was a 19th century American novelist, jornalist, playwriter, social activist and labor organizer. Lippard wrote and published about one million words: novels, articles, whole issues of his weekly newspaper in the last decade of his life. He was a writing machine, even rumored to have employed a clerk whose job was to have fresh cigars at the ready, so Lippard wouldn't have to stop writing to cut and light them (Man, I need a smoking clerk). Lippard and Edgar Allan Poe were friends. George sent Poe a copy of his gothis novel, The Ladye Annabel and Poe replied with a mostly favorable letter of criticism. Lippard published Poe's letter in his next novel, Herbert Tracy. The two apparenty remained close for the rest of Poe's life with Poe at first the mentor to Lippard the defender of Poe's reputation. George Lippard died February 9, 1854.

Monday, July 27, 2009

what did i learn?

I learned that the Wissahickon has 10% of the 22% of the tree in philadelphia.

what could have been better?

I think the walk in the wissahickon park could have been longer.

what else would i like to learn about the park?

How many miles is the park.

public place - A place that is accessible to any person no matter what.A semi public place is a place that u have to pay to come.A famous public place is central park in new york .Alot new york visiter go to this place.Central park is like a landmark


What do you want to lean?
I would like to learn about if anything special were in the area,like an animal not familar in the area.Or if a rare fish swam in the area.

What could have been better?
If it wasnt so hot and if there were more shade in the park. Provided by the trees.

What else would you like to lean about the park?
Where does the water leads to.And how deep is it?

Investagate the two area.(shrubs and trees)

Trees- the trees in the wissahickon are very old and some are youg, and some still are are growing. The advrage the hight are 23ft 8inch. So that is very good for a park where people visit. And every two years in the park a tree ia reater struck down or just gets old and dies.

I learned that when erosion happened the tree's roots got weak and fell and floated up-stream. The walk ways could have been bigger so people and bikers can feel safer walking and riding on the walk way. I would like to learn more about what else happens when humans aren't present. With increasing concerns about bicyclists riding on trails where their use was prohibited, a new signage plan was developed and
implemented in 1996-97.Many signs also have colored markings to identify the trail.For instance, the sign pictured here indicates that all users- hikers bikers ETC.This system still makes up a significant component of the Park signage.As trail traffic has increased and bicycles were added to the user mix,additional signage was necessary. As may be evident from this narrative, what began as a simple signing system rapidly confusing to many users. Despite repeated efforts to address user conflict with signage and other measures,complaints and confusion persists.


I learned how to get around the park more easily without getting lost and stranded. I would have like if it could have been shady in the park and it wasn't so hot out their. I would like to know what the park looked like before modern civilization started to move around the park.Investigate the areas that were looked at in the park erosion, vegetation, shrubs/trees, inaccesibility, auto friendly, flooding system, trail-marking, public safety, and park codes.

Inaccesibility- It's inaccesible to people who can't walk and who are in wheel chair and aren't strong enough to go up hills and steeps walk ways. I personally thought that it was very inaccesible because certain places were hard for me to go up so i know it's even harder for them to.They can't walk and aren't as strong as a person who can walk. They need to have chairs where they can pick up a person in a wheel chair so that it's fair for everyone. The city needs to make it more wheel chair accesible and easier for people with disabilitys.


Elisha week 3

I learned that to get to the park it is actually very easy and that the park is kind of small for both walkers and bikers. The park could have been bigger and atleast have one or two benches. I would have liked to learn more about how the park looked before and how the park is used towards people.

Waterfront and park management
Throughout the two days of visiting the wissahickon Park, week three I learned more on the second day visiting because there was more walking and we had to take notes. The 1,800 acres of Wissahickon Valley Park are part of Philadelphia’s 9,200-acre Fairmount Park, one of the largest city parks in the world. The wissahickon Park is very famous and a lot of people are involved with the park, those people are known as friends to the park. The mission of the friends of the wissahickon is to preserve the natural beauty and wildness of the wissahickon valley and stimulate public interest there in the park. The history of the park is very interesting to those who find nature to be beautiful even to those who are not big fans of the park.

Knowledge From The Park Experience

I learned about trail marking and how erosion takes place in rocks.
A place to use the bathroom instead of using a portable potty would
of made the park better.I would like to learn more about the
inaccesibility of the park and how the disable get around if they visit.
I Chose Vegetation to Investigate and learn more about when the walk was over.

Facts On Vegetation:

Vegetation is the plant life of a region.It also refers to ground covered
by plants.The closest synonym to vegetation is plant community.It is a
general term, without reference to life forms, structure,or spatial extent.
Vegetation supports critical functions in the biosphere,at all possible
spatial scales.The beginnings of vegetation study began in Europe and
Russia in the late 19th century.

Links To Information:


I learned about the different types of bridges that were made. I also learned that you are always suppose to stay on the when your walking up the trail and stay on the left when your going down the trail. The trails could have been wider.there could have benches for us to seat and eat our lunch. I would have like to learn what was the park first used for like for walkers or bikers or was it for both.


Erosion is the removal of solids in the natural environment which usually occurs due to transport by wind, water, or ice. There are 4 tyes Water Erosion, Wind Erosion, Ice Erosion, and Wave Erosion. Water Erosion is the most important erosional agent and erodes most commonly as running water in streams. Wind Erosion occurs almost always in deserts. Ice Erosion are move powerful than Water Erosion because moving ice is actually a bit greater than the power of water but since water is much more common. Wave Erosion have a large storm waves that can produce 2000 pounds of pressure per square foot.

The first blog: Carter Cierra

During our trip to the park I learned about erosion and how it affected the park. Aside from leaving extra space to see "attractions", erosion destroys nature, (trees, bushes, etc.) which is never good. We also got to see some famous attractions and learn about the people who settled there first; Signs seemed to play a significant role to the park. Some signs told us about how far things were away and where to watch out for bikers, horse riders, joggers, etc. Basically these signs just provided a "heads up."
I think that instead of having to use only our observations and inferences, we should have actually stopped to learn about different places. We stopped to take a look at certain places, but I would have liked to have the landmarks explained.
Although I learned quite a few things about the history and science of the park I still want to find out more. Because I am very interested in American History, I would like to learn more about the people who first influenced the park and some of the man-made things that exist throughout the park.
Throughout my journey in the park I did not take notice to any public safety precautions. Most precautions include having at least 1 or 2 phone booths nearby in case of an emergency (police/ambulance contact) and Fresh water to drink ( In case of emergency dehydration or if someone accidentally forgot their own water bottle.)In fact "Philadelphia’s drinking water comes (highly filtered and treated) from the Wissahickon."( Although the creek is cleaner than most, it is still not recommended to drink. Because there are not many railings or bars to caution people from swimming in the river someone could easily go swimming or accidentally fall in. Also, because the water is not filtered and contains all sorts of detrimental bacteria and pollutants, it is not safe for medical reasons to get in. "Between the pollution and the unpredictable currents, it can be downright hazardous. We have heard reports of dogs getting skin cancer from swimming in the creek, of tumors in fishes and of divers being injured on the rocks at the bottom of Devil’s Pool, so we would strongly advise against it." (

Thierry Jones

I learned about erosion (how water washes away certain area's of vegitation so that it creates dry patches.)and how it effects the park.I think that we could have learned more, it didn't seem like we learned much at all. I would like to learn more about how to make it better, and improve the conditions in the park.

Fish in the Schuylkill:

The Schuylkill started to restore the fish in the 1970's where they first realized that the fish were moving up the river. The Schuylkill needs the fish to migrate back to the Schuylkill to repopulate the river of fish. The Schuylkill is the home to many fish, trout, bass, musky, walleye, steelhead, panfish, etc. The normal habitat for fishe in the Schuykill has changes making it hard for the fish to live in it, causing them to move away. Since the habitat changed for the fish,this caused a shortage in fish, which caused a shortage down the line when trying to sell fish. The schuylkill began to be restored by 1979 the Schuylkill started to become repopulated with fish.


During our short journey in the Wissahickon I learned about the disadvantages that disabled people have when moving around in the park. The parks area is very rugged and hard for people in wheelchairs, I even had trouble moving. In my opinion we could have walk a shorter distance because my feet were aching, but overall I learned alot. I would like to know if people could fish and also where do the water come from in the Wissahickon Creek.For my research I looked up gentrification, even though I can't pronounce it I have a general idea what it is. Gentrification is the buying and renovation of land in deteriorated areas.Which means that when areas in parks are messy and unorganized people help improve the property. In the Wissahickon they help make trails and improved the damaged areas also planted more trees. They also build more accesible ramps so disabled people can move better. Plus they planted flowers and other pretty plants so Wissahickon can be beautiful when people visit.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Septa Plan My Trip

This is how you get from Temple to the Wissahickon park via SEPTA's plan my trip.

This is how you can get from Temple to the Wissahickon park via Google Transit and we used the "walking" route. We thought this is how a biker would get there.

View Larger Map

Monday, July 20, 2009

The parkway streets

Picture 054
Originally uploaded by montanista89
Yesterday July 14 we learned about the parkway. We learned that it changed dramatically from the way it was in the past. The roads are now wider to make room for the bigger cars, bikes, and the larger population. We saw how the city needs more accesibility for handicapped people. We also learned that once a whale and a dolphin swam very close to the Art Museum. There are also places for people to park their cars. Around the 1920s and 30s the city really needed a park and now we have a national park. There is a place called Swan fountain on the parkway. The Negro Association did not get any members in the 1900s. Yesterday we also learned how to use sketchup. We were mad because while we were watching the tutorial we were not allowed to use it. We finally got to use sketchup for a short period of time. We learned you can be allergic to air conditioners. Today we learned about Twitter and some of us finished our houses. We learned why Twitter is so popular, it is a great way to stay connected professionally!! People can find common interests easily. The intern group Twittered our blog and all the other groups were jealous

The Parkway Experience.

Picture 056
Originally uploaded by montanista89
The city streets are dirty and there are paintings on the ground called toins. Their were also hobos sleeping on benches in the park. People were relaxing around swan fountain and doing things like reading, naping, and kids were playing. Logan square/ Logan circle is bigger than love park. Kopernik explains that the orbit around the sun in statue form.

A Great View

Picture 062
Originally uploaded by montanista89
This gazebo is very high off the ground and has a very nice view of the Delaware River and you can see the cars on the subway, and people jogging, and there were water fountains. There were beaches that looked dirty. And five years ago there was a whale and dolphin that swam in the Delaware River.

Sadie and the Parkway

Picture 044
Originally uploaded by montanista89
This poodle was walked around by several co-workers. Her name is Sadie

Friday, July 17, 2009

Skills and Challenges

The skills that we learned yesterday were navigating the maps of the parkway and identifying the landmarks and buildings. The challenges we faced was the heat and long distances we walked.Also that we couldn't afford the water ice at the art museum. We weren't prepared with the right amount of food and water. The trip was a learning experience and wasn't fun!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

When we took this picture we were at the Universal Negro Improvement Association. "This movement inspired many African Americans to spread the news to encourage blacks. After this movement many blacks were inspired to move forward with their dreams." Now we are inspired to always follow the dreams that we have.

Church of The Advocate

Originally uploaded by montanista89
When we went to the church on 18 and diamond we took a picture of the church's front and side. The church had red dorrs and stained glass. It was a big stone building.The area aruond the church was very quiet.

Jesse Redmon Faucet

Originally uploaded by montanista89
Blacks........ Unleashed

Finally someone helped open some doors for African Americans. People of color were opressed for sooooo long. For the most part we were only able to rely on our superiors (caucasian people) to make a living, but this movement/site encouraced "self-relance." This place encouraged the expression of uniqueness and individuality between each person. We are finally encouraged to be free and make a difference in the world.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

other group

being with a other group is good because you can meet new people and being with different people is fun because they joke and play around & learn different things.

what we did yesterday 7/13

We learned about people who stood up for civil rights. So everyone can be treated equally. And we walked around the campus and walked around blocks to find markers that were placed where someone famous lived.

Monday, July 13, 2009


We didnt have that much fun but we loved the pizza. We were introduced to what we will be doing for our job, although we didnt really do any work. On Monday we met each other, made toys out of arts and crafts materials, We played an IceBreaker, we told each other our names, and what we would want for our last meal.On Tuesday we did a Scavenger Hunt(we got yelled at by campus police for writing on campus property), we played the questions game, we looked at local, national, and global landmarks and we had to figure out what it was and we got extra points for having a fun fact about the place. We went to the trucks for the first time and it was delicious. On wednesday we made our gmail accounts and most of us couldnt make them. On Thursday we made our blog and finished making our gmail accounts and we went to the Wall. We mapped out the scavenger hunt on Google Pedometer. We walked all around campus and went into Annenberg and went into Tomlinson Theater and sang and played on the stage. On Friday we watched a boring movie about Al Gore talking about Global Warming. We went outside and ate at the wall. We went to Alter hall, into the room with the ticker, summed up our week in our notebooks and left early.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


MySpace Music Playlist at

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Rules are meant to be Broken Promises are Meant to be Kept

~Platinum Kids ~

These are our Promises: Don't be Boushe, NO TOUCHING, NO TEXTING, NO PORN, NO HATEMAIL, No private business, R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Come presentable, Come on Time, NO HACKING, NO GRAFFITI, respect the campus and the people around, No fighting, NO COMPLAINING, No Drama (all that extra stuff), Have Fun