Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009



My sketchup was suppose to be a brigde with a portable toliet but as you see i didnt finish . The whole purpose of this sketchup of this sketchup was to give an example of what we wanted to change in the wissahickon. After I was done suppose to put it on my powerpoint which i never got chance to.

Dayeshawn Opinion

I think to make this program better they should
get people's opinion on stuff before they just assume
things or make them do something.I also think they should
stop trying to act like we're in school and throwing so
much work at us.
This program would be better if it was more like a job and less like school. We should not have the freedom to do whatever we want and act a fool especially in public. What we do is embarrasing and gives the program and ourselves a bad image. We should be required to maintain a certain amount of professionalism. This program does a bad job of teaching us about geography. Most of us are urban students living in Philadelphia and many have never been outside of Philadelphia. If there was anything we know a lot about, it would be the city of Philadelphia. Instead, our global perspectives should be expanded. This program should aim to prepare us professionally and intellectually for future jobs. At a more traditional job discipline is key along with being adept in many areas. We have not been prepared in any ways; not to mention, we didn't even have fun. The only "good" outcome of this was that we got paid. (Which by the way; wasn't even consistant!)


I think the program could be better if we walked around other places other than the park. Because it was to hot and it started to get boring, because we kept going there. So i wish we could go to other placese.
My sketch up project is about how Wissahickon park is not so wheelchair friendly. Also tits about where a ramp should be sst next to the 100 stairs by the Ridge ave. entrance

Troy Campbell

For individual project i wanted to improve the park by expanding the roads.The problem that we are having with our parks our that there are many crossroads and many different routes so that means many people would pass by.So when cyclist and pedestrians are in a bunch many problems would occur.If we would have a bike only lane and more room for pedestrians to walk the park would be a better place!!!


How The Bits Program Could Be Better:

They should give us lunch

Thierry Jones

How the Bits Program could be better:
1. Pay for transportation.
2. Be more organized
a. should be a way to answer the questions, "when are we getting paid"
b. should have debit cards for everyone.
3. make final project a more independent project, you cannot be creative with the strict guidlines.

Elisha.. .

Things that would make this program better is more respectable people. What ever happened to you give respect you get respaect. Another thing that would make this program better is if we got to chose our own hours. I think we should be able to put some of our own ideas into this program. I think that this project is a bit of a waist. We should get more free time like going to lunch by ourselves and meeting up at a certain time.


Well for starter it would help if they could have a interview portion of the program before the job started, because some of these kids in this program are very aggravating and sometime annoying! On the other hand I thought this was called a job!!!its more like summer school and we suffer more and more everyday.It would be better if they could make this a more working environment not sitting in classrooms and work on blogs like we are doing right now.Also when we went to the park it was hot and half of my body was melting off.They could have at least bring a supply of water to give to us or at least let us have about 3 breaks. I was tripping over rocks and sliding down the dirty trail.There are a few problems with this program so I hope they take this blog into consideration.


I think if we were able to choose hours during the day we want to come in. I would like to come in early because in the afternoon I like to go places and have fun, but since we work all afternoon hours by the time I go home it's to late to go anywhere.another thing I would change is how much we get paid, i think we should be able to choose what hours of the day we worked and get paid more for them.Those are a few thing i would change other than that everything else is fine I don't have problems with the mentor's, i'm fine with the pay we get but i would like to get paid more. Those are the only things i can think of that really come to mind about the program.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Levees Movie

We thought that movie was funjicational (fun and educational). Parts of it were funny and parts of it were sad. The situation was devestating and depressing. Many people lost their homes.If more people would have listened to the news, the situation would have been less horrible. There were rumors that people were being raped in the superdome. The president didn't help the people right away. Overall it was a very good movie. It was way better than "Inconvienient Truth."

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


My sketch up project is benches on kelly drive. So that people can have a place to sit down and eat and talk. So that bikers can have a place to rest and take a break.I think thst putting the benches on kelly drive will bring more people out because they will know that will somewhere to rest.


Today the presentation was not fun at all. My topic was about outside toliet in the wissahickon park.Only thing that was fun was google skeckchup were we drawed stuff . Im not done any of the presentation. I wrote this like a two year

Cierra Carter 2

My project is on trash cans and creating a solar powered blue light system. It seems that everywhere I go something goes wrong and I don't always have my cell phone when I need to call for advice or help. When I went to the park I realized that there were many safety hazzards. I feel that the most important thing to have in the park is a way to contact someone in case of emergency. Trash cans are also very important because pollution from the littering causes global warming and it also looks bad. If there were more trash cans and recycling bins, there is a possibility that there would be less littering.

Michael Dorsey

My presentation is about signs in the parks. And how it is used and how important it is in parks. And how in some parks there are just are no signs and in some parks there are just a few signs.

Defining My Sketch Up

My sketch up is based on the Wissahickon Park.Im trying to make it show park improvements based on what i think should be done.I think they should build bathrooms,make reststop and pinic areas,and build a place to rent bikes and canoes.The images of my sketch up will be shown in my presenation.I think these changes will make the park better.

Thierry Jones

My sketch up project is all about being Eco friendly and keeping the park clean and user friendly. I realized that the officials of the park do not want you to litter, yet they don't do anything to prevent it. If they had trash cans then people would be more motivated to keep the park clean. I think that also to be user friendly that they could have things like solar powered air compressors so that bikers can pump their tires with air. This idea would be good for the park because they would become Eco friendly and also they would get to charge for the air also raising money for the park's improvements. Also to have solar powered charging stations, so that nobody's phone, ipod, or any other electronic would run out of charge. Lastly a solar powered navigation system, which would make it easy when people get lost in a trail it can point then the way to go.

Elisha.. .

Information on my sketchup.. .
My sketchup is putting a map at the bottom of the entrance in the wissahickon park. It seems easy but it's kind of hard. I've thought of a billion ways of how to put the actuall mapping of the trail, but that didn't quite work out as planned so i had to be a little more creative on my sketchup. I've got to tell you my sketchup is bright enough to spot from a mile away, thats what's so great about it.


My project is using solar energy in the park to make the park more accesible and to make people want to go to the park. I am creating restrooms, parks, and seating areas for people who need a break from their run, biking or walking. I created solar powered vending machines, lights and bathrooms. The bathrooms will have electronic hand dyer, and the toilets and urinals will have an electronic flushing. Their will be light poles for when you walk in the park during the night it won't be pitch black. The light poles will make it even safer at night because you can see what's going on in the park at night incase someone tries to hurt you, you can all for help. I think this will be a great improvement for the park and will make the park a tourist site.

Michael Dorssey

To me the project is a little hard to me because the sketchup is a little hard to me. And im a little nervous because there are going to b a lot of people watching me. And i think the presentation is a good study for us because we can learn about what is needed in places like the park, and what is needed for the handicap. And i think the presentation is very educated for us to research and make a power point on.

Nizar Ray

I think the presentation is going to be very interesting. The reason that I think it would be interesting because there will be lots of colorful projects. Also we must have a presentation a least 5 minutes long. Then we must show it to everybody in our group.


I think that the presentation is waste of time because I will not use any of this for anything that I want to do in life. It's not interesting because its about the park and I'm not a nature person. Its hard to remember the stuff from the park so its hard to really know what needs improvement in the park. I think that if we should do a presentation it should be about something about life or something that we are interested in. That way could have more fun with it.

C. Carter

I hate my presentation. I didn't learn anything, so it is much harder to do. Its going to be terrible and I know everyone is going to hate it also.No one will be interested in my presentation. I am not even interested in it. Its really ugly and hard. It takes too much effort to produce something that should be a mindless activity. Besides, none of this stuff is going to happen.


I think the presentation is a little stressful because we didn't get a heads up on it days before. We found out like 3 days before are practice presentation was due. But other than the time I think it's fun because I enjoy creating new things on the computer. I also think it's great that one of our sketchup projects might be picked to actually be buil in the park.

Thierry Jones

Thoughts about the presentation:

I think that the presentations should be more creative, every one's presentation shouldn't be the same. The guidelines are too strict, there are many ways to get a point across not just the one way that the bits program likes. It makes no sense to put a whole essay into a PowerPoint because the point of PowerPoint's are to have main points not to make it take 20 minutes to read on slide. I think that if the presentation was structured differently then it would make more sense. I see no reason for one person to be a winner in the presentation if they try to tell us exactly what to write, every ones would be the same.


My thoughts on the presentation is that it's easy.I researched the topics such as proper reststops/picnic areas,proper bathrooms and proper ways to tour the park.I chose to research these topics because when we went to the park there were none of these things there.I think the presentation doesn't have a meaning.I think this because were not learning anything.The program is supposed to teach us and help us learn more but its boring.


My thoughts on the presentation.. .
I find this presentation kind of hard because i've never done a power point. Although i'm learning more than what i thought i would. When i first visited the park the thought came to me that there should really be a map of the trail we traveled. But i have got to tell you it's not as hard as it seems from reading and citing to stressing but having oh so much fun! This presentation is a hassle but im learning a lot out of this.