Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009



My sketchup was suppose to be a brigde with a portable toliet but as you see i didnt finish . The whole purpose of this sketchup of this sketchup was to give an example of what we wanted to change in the wissahickon. After I was done suppose to put it on my powerpoint which i never got chance to.

Dayeshawn Opinion

I think to make this program better they should
get people's opinion on stuff before they just assume
things or make them do something.I also think they should
stop trying to act like we're in school and throwing so
much work at us.
This program would be better if it was more like a job and less like school. We should not have the freedom to do whatever we want and act a fool especially in public. What we do is embarrasing and gives the program and ourselves a bad image. We should be required to maintain a certain amount of professionalism. This program does a bad job of teaching us about geography. Most of us are urban students living in Philadelphia and many have never been outside of Philadelphia. If there was anything we know a lot about, it would be the city of Philadelphia. Instead, our global perspectives should be expanded. This program should aim to prepare us professionally and intellectually for future jobs. At a more traditional job discipline is key along with being adept in many areas. We have not been prepared in any ways; not to mention, we didn't even have fun. The only "good" outcome of this was that we got paid. (Which by the way; wasn't even consistant!)


I think the program could be better if we walked around other places other than the park. Because it was to hot and it started to get boring, because we kept going there. So i wish we could go to other placese.
My sketch up project is about how Wissahickon park is not so wheelchair friendly. Also tits about where a ramp should be sst next to the 100 stairs by the Ridge ave. entrance

Troy Campbell

For individual project i wanted to improve the park by expanding the roads.The problem that we are having with our parks our that there are many crossroads and many different routes so that means many people would pass by.So when cyclist and pedestrians are in a bunch many problems would occur.If we would have a bike only lane and more room for pedestrians to walk the park would be a better place!!!